Dogon Zoomorphic Headrest/Stool. This, vintage, traditional headrest, is also used by the Dogon, as a stool. The cleverly, carved carrying handles, fit seamlessly into the design, and make this object portable, and useful to the nomadic owner. The nomadic, Dogon people occupy buildings in the sand cliffs of Bandiagara Escarpment between Mali and Burkino Faso.
Intricately carved tribal designs decorate the curved, canoe-like, shape of of the headrest topping this zoomorphic carving, is a very traditional, work of art, on this utilitarian object. The curvature of the top creates a comfortable place to rest the neck and to protect an elaborate coiffure. It can easily be carried by the handles, placed and used for sitting.
Mid-Century, Handcrafted in Mali
Approximate Dimensions: 25"W X 12"H X 10"Depth